A herbal conference for Black and Indigenous Herbalists and Community

Sponsor Our Conference
The Gullah Geechee Herbal Gathering takes place so that Black Indigenous People Of Color and of Gullah Geechee descent can identify BIack and Indigenous leaders of herbal and plant medicine in the community and to provide a positive and nurturing environment for them to convene and promote a practice of self care through herbal and plant medicine.
The goal is to showcase and elevate those practitioners so that they can educate the community on practical skills that any participant can take home to use in a practice of self care as a means to maintaining overall wellness and well being. By sponsoring the Gullah Geechee Herbal Gathering, you allow us to honor our teachers with honorariums, cover site fees, provide access to this event for people who other wise would not be able to attend and so much more!
We want this event to continue to be an annual gathering where Black and Indigenous herbalists and community will feel welcomed and know they are coming to learn to care for themselves in ways that are easy, natural and accessible by qualified and effective practitioners who look like them. Preserving the cultural legacy and herbal contributions of Black and Indigenous people especially those of Gullah Geechee heritage is paramount, that's why this conference is necessary.
Once we receive your sponsorship commitment we will email you and will need a copy of your logo which we can use for promotions. - Please let us know you would like to sponsor this event by filling out our sponsorship commitment form below.
By completing this form you agree to honor your commitment as a sponsor and to pay your sponsorship by Sept. 1, 2024. We will send you an online invoice payable with any major credit/debit card at that time. If you need to pay by check please let us know at gullahgeecheeherbalgathering@gmail.com
If you would like to do an in-kind donation of an equal amount of the following kind please contact us at gullahgeecheeherbalgathering@gmail.com.
In Kind Donations Include:
- Media Sponsorships for your online/print publications
-Printing services for the Gullah Geechee Herbal Gathering programs
-Photography/video of the GGH Gathering
-warm cups for coffee/tea
- beverage cups for water
-large jugs/coolers for water
- percolators
- Loose Herbs
-prizes and give away items
- samples of your products for attendee bags
*If you or your company will not utilize the registrations that go along with your sponsorship please let us know how many you will not be using, and will will get those to the community based organizations we work with to ensure they get to folks who would like to attend but are unable to afford registration!
Thank you in advance for your support! To learn more about the different levels of sponsorship, please fill out the sponsorship form below:
Sponsorship Levels
Please read the list of Sponsorship Levels and Benefits below, choose your level of sponsorship and click on the Paypal button to submit your sponsorship fee. If you would like to sponsor a different amount that is not listed here or if you would like to sponsor by a check through the mail, please email us gullahgeecheeherbalgathering@gmail.com
Sweetgrass: $100
Verbal recognition of your company during keynote sessions and closing ceremony
Inclusion of your business name in our printed program guide (provided to all attendees) and online
Our sincere thanks
Benne Seed: $250
logo on all printed/online marketing materials plus
promotion of your work via A Soulfultouch Wellness/Gullah Geechee Herbal Gathering social media
Inclusion of your business name in our printed program guide (provided to all attendees)
Our sincere thanks
Carolina Gold: $500
Recognition of your company during keynote speaker and closing ceremony
Inclusion of your business name in our printed program guide (provided to all attendees)
Business name, logo and link on our website
Complimentary vendor space for the weekend
Complimentary conference registration for one person
One half page ad in our printed program guide
Our sincere thanks
Sassafrass: $1000
Recognition of your company during keynote speaker and closing ceremony
Inclusion of your business name in our printed program guide (provided to all attendees)
Business name, logo and link on our website
Complimentary vendor space for the weekend
Complimentary conference registration for two people
Onsite display of your products or brochures throughout the weekend
One full page ad in our printed program guide
Our most heartfelt thanks!!!
Spanish Moss: $1500
Recognition of your company during keynote speaker and closing ceremony
Inclusion of your business name in our printed program guide (provided to all attendees)
Business name, logo and link on our website
Complimentary vendor space for the weekend
Complimentary conference registration for three people
Onsite display of your products or brochures throughout the weekend
One full page ad in our printed program guide
Our most heartfelt thanks!!!
Indigo: $2000
Recognition of your company during keynote speaker and closing ceremony
Inclusion of your business name in our printed program guide (provided to all attendees)
Business name, logo and link on our website
Complimentary vendor space for the weekend
Complimentary conference registration for four people
Onsite display of your products or brochures throughout the weekend
One full page ad in our printed program guide
Our most heartfelt thanks!!!